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9 foods high in magnesium


  1. 9 foods high in magnesium

  2. Sesame seed

  3. Nuts

  4. Buckwheat

  5. Legumes

  6. Sunflower seeds

  7. Bran

  8. Greens

  9. Seaweed

  10. Dried fruits

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9 foods high in magnesium

In this article, we'll take a look at 9 foods high in magnesium. And also why magnesium is needed and what to do if it is not enough.

Magnesium is one of the most important elements in the human body. It participates in metabolism, activates 300 enzymes and is necessary to create ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) - the main source of energy for living organisms. Magnesium is able to transport potassium into cells and take part in blood circulation in muscle and bone tissue. This is why athletes value this mineral so much. Body aches after exercise, irregular heartbeats, cramps, headaches, and numbness in the hands can signal a lack of magnesium in the body.

For normal functioning of the body, 300-500 mg of magnesium per day is required. Athletes need more magnesium as some of it is released in sweat during exercise. We've put together foods to help you replenish your magnesium dose.

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1. Sesame seed

Bitter white seeds are the leaders in magnesium content. 100 g contains 540 mg of the element, which is 135% of the cystic norm. Sesame goes well with almost any dish. It can be added to meat, desserts, vegetable salads, baked goods. A healthy sweetness is sesame “kozinak” (Sweet sesame crisps).

Sesame seeds contain the most magnesium

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2. Nuts

Cashews rank first among nuts for magnesium. Kernels are not only beneficial for their magnesium content. They contain fatty acids that are needed to build cell membranes and repair muscle.

Most element in 100 g: (Sources: USDA)

Cashew nuts - 292 mg;

pine nuts - 251 mg;

almonds - 234 mg;

hazelnuts - 160 mg;

pistachios - 121 mg; walnut - 120 mg

Combine nuts with fruits that are also rich in magnesium to meet your daily needs for this vital nutrient. Most of all magnesium is found in avocados, bananas, persimmons.

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Buckwheat contains 258 mg of magnesium per 100 g. In buckwheat flour, magnesium is slightly less - 251 mg, and in buckwheat kernels - 200 mg of magnesium. Buckwheat is not only a side dish. Delicious and hearty cutlets are made from buckwheat. Buckwheat is added to soup and stewed vegetables.

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4. Legumes

Soybeans contain the most magnesium. Legumes are great for a healthy diet. They contain proteins, including essential ones, as well as fats needed for body building and tissue renewal. Leaders among legumes in magnesium content per 100 g:

soy - 226 mg;

peanuts - 182 mg;

mung bean - 174 mg;

chickpeas - 126 mg.

Soy can be used to make goulash, chickpeas can be used to make falafel and hummus. Mung bean is often added to soups, and peanuts make delicious halva.

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5. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds can cover the daily magnesium requirement. 100 g contains 317 mg of the element. In addition to magnesium, sunflower kernels contain fatty acids. A delicious dessert, halva, is prepared from sunflower seeds. 100 g of sweetness contains 178 mg of magnesium, but you need to remember that halva is a fairly high-calorie product.

If you don't like halva, replace it with another dessert - dark chocolate. It contains 133 mg of magnesium.

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6. Bran

The largest amount of magnesium in wheat bran is 448 mg per 100 g. Oatmeal is in second place (235 mg). It is better not to combine oatmeal with kefir, custard, or yogurt, as calcium prevents magnesium from dissolving- it is better to add fruit. Carbohydrates, on the contrary, will make it possible to deliver the element to every cell.

A small amount of magnesium (129 mg per 100 g) contains oat flakes "Hercules".

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7. Greens

Less than 100 mg of magnesium is found in green leaves, which can be added to salads fresh or dried as a seasoning. The amount of magnesium in 100 g:

spinach - 82 mg;

dill - 70 mg; celery - 50 mg;

salad - 40 mg;

parsley - 85 mg;

basil - 64 mg.

Add herbs to your meals to cover your magnesium needs.
Add protein to salads, such as boiled eggs. Remember, protein foods help the absorption of magnesium.

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8. Seaweed

Laminaria is rich not only in iodine. 100 g of seaweed contains 170 mg of magnesium. This is half the daily requirement. Seaweed goes well with sesame seeds. If you add sesame seeds to a kelp salad, you get a complete source of magnesium.

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9. Dried fruits

Prunes and dried apricots are leaders in magnesium content among dried fruits. They contain 100 mg in 100 g. Dried peach (92 mg) is in second place. 100 g of figs and dates account for 50-60 mg of the element. Dried apricots are a sweet source of magnesium.

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