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What are the benefits of avocados?

What are the benefits of avocados?

Avocado fruit: how can it benefit you? Avocado is a fruit with a dark green peel and oily flesh that is greenish or yellow in color. Recently, it has enjoyed particular popularity, although there are often controversies around it.

The benefits of avocado for your body.

Avocado is rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B5 - 27.8%, vitamin B6 - 12.9%, vitamin B9 - 20.3%, vitamin C - 11.1%, vitamin E - 13.8%, vitamin K - 17.5%, potassium - 19.4%, copper - 19%

This fruit is often recommended by professional nutritionists. The benefits include:

  1. Avocado contains many vitamins and nutrients, and has a very rich composition.

  2. It contains many healthy fats, although avocados are very high in calories.

  3. Rich in fiber. Its regular use heals the intestines.

  4. Improves the condition of blood vessels and heart.

  5. Prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, lowers total cholesterol.

  6. Protects the eye, prevents damage to the retina, reduces the risk of developing blindness later in life.

  7. Helps prevent malignant tumors of various organs.

  8. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system, protects cartilage and bones from damage.

  9. Normalizes metabolic processes.

  10. It has antibacterial and antifungal effects.

  11. Prevents infectious diseases of the oral cavity and the development of intestinal infections.

  12. Helps the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

  13. Moisturizes the skin and makes it more elastic.

  14. Helps the skin to recover faster after sunburn.

  15. Prevents infectious rashes on the skin.

  16. Promotes weight loss.

  17. Strengthens the immune system.

  18. Increases the duration of human life.

Attention! Avocados are recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer, reading books, or filling out documents.

Attention! The avocado fruit is widely used in the cosmetic industry.

How to choose an avocado?

When buying and choosing an avocado, it is important to pay attention to its appearance. The peel should be solid, deep green. Dark spots indicate that the fruit has begun to rot.

Ripe fruit should be soft to the touch, slightly squeezed when pressed with a finger.

Unripe fruits are often brought to stores, since mature fruits have a shorter shelf life. Avocados can be bought unripe and left to ripen at home in a tight paper bag (not in the refrigerator). Under these conditions, they should ripen in 2–5 days.

If you want the fruit to ripen faster, you can put a banana or an apple in the bag. These fruits release ethylene and accelerate its ripening.

How to eat an avocado?

Before eating, you need to wash the avocado, make a cut lengthwise with a knife. With both hands, twist the fruit so that it divides in half. If the avocado is ripe, this will not be difficult. The stone is thrown away, and the pulp is scraped out with a spoon or gently removed. It is recommended to immediately use it for cooking, and not store it in the refrigerator.

Avocado is a healthy fruit to add to your daily diet. It has valuable and nutritious properties, tastes good, and is easy to prepare.

Contraindications to avocado use.

Avocados should not be consumed in the following cases:

  1. Bloating, abdominal pain, loose stools, increased gas production.

  2. Cramps in different parts of the body.

  3. Allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product.

  4. Chronic kidney disease.

  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.

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