Cha Cha Concelado - This dance is designed to introduce dancers to a Latin American rhythm at an early stage of development and help them to appreciate rhythm not only with their feet but also with their bodies. The steps are structured in places so as to portray the feeling of “1, 2 cha-cha-cha.” Individual interpretation by couples to add Cha Cha character is permitted provided that integrity of steps, free leg positions and dance holds are maintained. Retrogressions on pattern transitions are permitted.
Steps 1 and 2 are skated on a lobe toward, then away from the barrier. Steps 3 and 4 are slip steps. The man skates three slip steps (Steps 3, 4 and 5) of half-beat each, but on the last one, the man remains on his left foot for another half-count, and the right foot is lifted. The lady skates three slip steps also, but as she completes her third slip (Step 5a) she crosses the left foot behind on the second half-count for Step 5b. There is a tendency for ladies to omit Step 5b due to the difficulty of the weight transfer onto the step. Credit should be given by the judges to those ladies who can perform it properly. Steps 1 to 5 are skated in outside hold and give the timing of a “1, 2 cha-cha-cha.” On Step 6 the dancers change to hand-in-hand hold (lady’s right hand in the man’s left, lady’s left hand in the man’s right) to skate a series of cross in front touch down steps.* On Step 7, the man changes sides to the right of the lady’s tracing as he turns his rocker and she her three-turn. After they make their turns on Step 8, the lady is on the left of the man’s tracing, switching to his right side after Step 9.
On Step 10, the partners assume closed hold, and on Step 11, both partners extend the free leg to the back on the third beat (musical count one). On Step 14, the lady releases her left hand from the open hold and passes under the man’s left arm as she does the mohawk.
On Step 23, the lady places her left hand in the man’s right hand. Step 24 is a swing closed mohawk for both dancers but in opposite directions, so that they turn their back toward each other, releasing hands. On Step 25, the lady places her right hand in the man’s left. (Note that Step 25 is a cross in front for both (XF-RBI for the man; XF-LBO for the lady.))
Steps 27 to 36a are skated in Kilian hold, and Steps 27 to 36 are the same for both partners. They skate a series of touch down steps* in Kilian hold (Steps 27 to 29). Leading to the conclusion of the dance is an extremely deep left forward inside edge for both. It is permitted to retrogress on the pattern as long as this is reflected in a degree of control. The lady then executes an open mohawk (her Steps 37a and 37b) to be in position to restart the dance.
* Note: Steps 6 to 9 and 27 to 29 should be skated with a brief but decisive weight transfer (touchdown) to the other foot on the “and” between counts returning to the original edges.
TEMPO: 29 four-beat measures per minute; 116 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 32 beats, 16.5 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :34; 2 = 1:07; 3 = 1:41; 4 = 2:14
DURATION: Test 2 = 1:07 Competition 2 = 1:07 Adult Competition 2 = 1:07
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
PATTERN: Optional
TEST: International
INVENTORS: Bernard Ford, Kelly Johnson, Laurie Palmer and Steven Belanger FIRST PERFORMANCE: Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, 1989
CHA CHA CONGELADO — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
CHA CHA CONGELADO — STEP CHART- 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook
CHA CHA CONGELADO — OPTIONAL PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook