The American Waltz consists of a series of semi-circular lobes skated toward and away from the midline. These lobes are joined at the ends by six-beat outside swing rolls. The lobes nearest the end/short barrier are positioned so that their ends are closer to the midline, making it possible for a single six-beat roll to connect them. All steps should be of equal curvature so that each group of three steps forms a large semi-circle with each lobe starting directly toward or away from the midline.

The steps of each lobe are the same except that they are skated alternately left and right depending on the direction of the lobe. Although the sequence of steps is the simplest of any ice dance, because of the amount of rotation generated by the couple, it is among the most difficult to skate correctly. In order to rotate smoothly, it is necessary for the partners to keep their shoulders parallel with the center of rotation between them, rather than having one partner whip around the other on the swing three-turns. The rotation must be continuous and even, rather than sudden jerks with pauses between.

Each step of the American Waltz is held for six beats (two measures) which gives considerable length to each step. The swing of the free foot/leg must be from the hip without any bending of the free leg knee. The threes must be turned with the feet close together, but without pause in the motion of the free foot. The free foot should not pass the skating foot before the three is turned. While maintaining close waltz hold throughout, the partners must synchronize their free leg swings with each other as well as with the music, turning the swing threes on count four. These types of turns are known as “American Waltz-type three-turns.”

The transition from one foot to the other is accompanied by a bending of the skating knee. This action coincides with the major accent (count one) and serves to emphasize it. The knee action that adds lilt to the dance must be well controlled and gradual or the dance may become bouncy with the skater losing flow and balance. The dancers must stand upright using a nicely controlled body weight change when simultaneously starting a new lobe.

The expression of waltz music is characterized primarily by evenness of flow between points of major and minor emphasis. The points of major emphasis, count one, are marked by the change of feet and bending of the skating knee. Some of these points coincide with the start of a new lobe and are also emphasized by the change of direction of rotation and lean. The points of minor emphasis (count four) are marked by turns but are not otherwise emphasized.

TEMPO: 66 three-beat measures per minute; 198 beats per minute
ISU MUSIC INTRODUCTION: 48 beats, 14.6 seconds
PATTERN-TIMING: 1 = :29; 2 = :58; 3 = 1:27; 4 = 1:56
DURATION: Test 2 = :58 Solo after partnering 2 = :58 Competition 2 = :58 Adult Competition 2 = :58
SKATER’S CHOICE TIMING: See Skater’s Choice Pattern Dance Timing Chart on under the “Technical Info” link
PATTERN: Optional (ISU: Set) See rule 8226 (C) for pattern instructions for ice surface lengths less than 197 feet See rule 8226 (D) for optional test pattern start on the short axis
TEST: Silver


American Waltz
0:00 / 0:00
AMERICAN WALTZ — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook

AMERICAN WALTZ — STEP CHART - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook


AMERICAN WALTZ — OPTIONAL PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook

AMERICAN WALTZ — OPTIONAL PATTERN DANCE - 2019-20 U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook