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9 foods that boost immunity


9 Foods That Really Strengthen Immunity

  1. Kefir

  2. Broccoli

  3. Beans

  4. Beef liver

  5. Fresh ginger

  6. Green tea

  7. Raw seeds

  8. Garlic

  9. Chicken bouillon

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9 Foods That Really Strengthen Immunity

The lack of beneficial vitamins affects the body's defense mechanisms and makes it more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. There is no panacea, but there are a number of foods that can help balance your diet and boost your immune system.

Immunity is a complex system. Be skeptical if you hear about a remedy that it will strengthen the immune system: it is highly likely that this is advertising or slyness. Even scientists do not fully understand the laws by which the immune system operates. But there are several very effective practices for normalizing the immune system: quitting smoking, increased physical activity, less alcohol, more sleep. It sounds endlessly boring, but it works.

In terms of nutrition, the WHO recommends a minimum of 500 grams of vegetables and fruits every day. There are also a number of foods that are especially helpful in supporting your immune system. In this article, we will tell you about nine of them.

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  1. Kefir

Kefir is a product familiar to us since childhood and a superfood. The American Dietetic Association has included kefir in its list of healthy foods.

As you know, many types of bacteria coexist in the human body, it is conditionally possible to divide them into useful - microbiota, and opportunistic - those that can harm the body in case of uncontrolled reproduction. Beneficial bacteria, including fermented milk - lacto and bifidobacteria, inhibit the growth of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, thereby strengthening human immunity, increasing the body's resistance to infections. This is very important both in a pandemic and in the "cold season". Fermented milk products are the easiest, healthiest and most affordable way to strengthen the immune system.

Modern research confirms that kefir probiotics, in addition to being able to improve digestion, have a positive effect on immunity. Choose kefir from whole milk, maximum fat content, then it will contain more vitamins, in particular vitamin D, the lack of which is associated with a weakened immune system.

Kefir is an easily digestible, low-calorie product and is suitable for people with lactose intolerance, as it is partially broken down. To avoid constipation, a nutritionist recommends buying fresh kefir, which has been on the shelf for no more than 3 days. It is also recommended for the best effect to enrich the diet not only with kefir, but also to look at other fermented milk products - this can be fermented baked milk or natural yogurt.

Important note! Do not forget that even such a healthy product in all respects has contraindications. Kefir and other sour milk can aggravate the course of chronic diseases, in particular, people with high stomach acidity need to be more careful. A doctor's consultation is recommended.

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2. Broccoli

Broccoli contains vitamin C, B6 and magnesium. One serving contains almost the entire recommended daily intake of vitamin A, important for immunity, The connection between vitamin C and the body's ability to fight colds was traced back in the 70s of the last century. Then, they discovered that our body cannot store vitamin C, so it needs to be consumed daily. This is especially important for women using oral contraceptives, which increase the need for vitamin C. Heat treatment and long-term storage lead to the destruction of vitamin in food, but this does not apply to frozen broccoli and makes it one of the most important foods in winter.

By the way, broccoli is useful not only to eat, but also to drink. You can make a very healthy drink from this product- consumed every day, it can help prevent viruses and colds. It is very simple to prepare such a drink: you need to mix one glass of broccoli and 100-150 ml of purified water in a blender.

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3. Beans

A simple and affordable source of iron, an important element that is involved in blood formation and - through the enzyme system - improves immunity. The main problem is that iron is difficult to assimilate; for this, scientists are advised to consume iron-containing foods along with vitamin C.

The intestinal microflora is our immunity, digestion, and rapid skin regeneration. This organ requires bacteria that produce short chains of fats that envelop the mucous membranes. Legumes contribute to the normalization of microflora due to the nutrients they contain.

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4. Beef liver

Rich in zinc, selenium and iron, Zinc is a rock star among immune-boosting nutrients. Most of all, zinc is found in oysters, but oysters are not typically a food consumed every day. Zinc helps the body build and activate T-lymphocytes, which are responsible for recognizing and destroying the body's “enemies”.

Tobacco and alcohol users should also consume liver to optimize brain activity. This is due to the presence of thiamine, a natural antioxidant that can reduce the harm from smoking and drinking. It is also advisable to introduce dishes from beef liver into the diet of people involved in sports or hard physical labor.

Very important! Beef liver will be fully useful only in cases where the cattle were healthy, not stuffed with all kinds of chemical additives and raised in an environmentally friendly region.

The liver contains cholesterol, so it is contraindicated for those who are prone to blood clots, have high cholesterol levels, or suffer from cardiovascular ailments.

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5. Fresh ginger

Ginger contains gingerol, an active substance that reduces the risk of infection. It has been proven that gingerol can stop the growth of some bacteria and effectively fights some viruses that cause colds. Separately, the effectiveness of ginger in the fight against infections that develop in the mouth and throat is noted.

For ginger to be beneficial, it must be stored properly. This is best done in the refrigerator by placing the root in a food container. Low temperatures and high humidity will keep the ginger fresh. It can be packed in plastic wrap before storage. In the store, carefully inspect the root to ensure it is clean, resilient, and free from damage and mold. Ginger can also be cut into small cubes, dried at room temperature for a couple of days, and packaged in an airtight container. Then brew a teaspoon in 400 grams of water and consume to fortify the body.

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6. Green tea

Traditionally, teas are thought to be a source of antioxidants. Green tea catechins (antioxidants) increase immunity, and also have powerful antiviral and bactericidal properties. They speed up the metabolism, slow down the aging of the body and prevent the formation of malignant tumors.

It is equally important that L-theanine is used in green tea, which cause the work of T-lymphocytes (the most fighters against foreign elements in the body). It is fashionable to drink delicious and aromatic high-quality green tea all year round. The tea also contains alkylamine. Thanks to this substance, the body is able to fight off allergens and bacteria.

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7. Raw seeds

Raw seeds - sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame and others - are a true source of vitamin B6, magnesium and iron. Regular consumption of seeds is associated with a decrease in inflammation, including those that cause discomfort to the skin.

Pumpkin seeds contain not only protein, but also monounsaturated fatty acids, which help to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. In addition, pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium - this substance helps to normalize blood pressure.

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8. Garlic

Another longtime friend of immunity, Allicin in its composition fights bacteria and has a positive effect on the production of white blood cells. Garlic is also a proven antiseptic for centuries of traditional medicine (and clinical research).

Useful properties of garlic and its effect on the body:

  1. Normalizes digestion - garlic helps the stomach to digest heavy and fatty foods, and also has a beneficial effect on the liver and gallbladder.

  2. Reduces the accumulation of harmful cholesterol - garlic contains a substance called Ajoene, which suppresses the accumulation of cholesterol deposits on the vascular walls and normalizes blood pressure.

  3. It prevents blood clots from forming - with regular eating of garlic, the process of thromboxane gradually stops, that is, the active adhesion of platelets.

  4. Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis - sulfur-containing trace elements in garlic help to resolve intravascular thrombi, and fibrinolytic activity also increases.

  5. Stops the action of pathogenic microorganisms - garlic is able to kill bacteria and strains of E. coli, and staphylococcus due to its content of antiseptic microelements.

  6. Increases endurance - garlic activates working capacity, improves physical indicators of strength and endurance of the body.

  7. Increases male potency - garlic dilates blood vessels, thereby activating blood flow, and a cumulative effect of all active components of the plant occurs.

  8. Favorably affects the development of the fetus - garlic contains folates, which are important for the normal course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child.

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9. Chicken bouillon

Yes, the one that is traditionally offered for colds. And for good reason: chicken and turkey meat is rich in vitamin B6, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells needed to carry oxygen from the lungs to all organs. Bone broth contains gelatin and chondroitin, which help calm the stomach and repair tissue.

Chicken broth, in turn, prevents inflammation cells from moving. What's more, it is made up of the amino acid cysteine, which is released from poultry during the cooking process. This substance removes phlegm from the bronchi and accelerates a person's recovery. Chicken broth is also an effective immunomodulator. To do this, add vegetables to the liquid.

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