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Endorphin is a hormone of pain and happiness


  1. Endorphin is a hormone of pain and happiness: what is endorphin and why is it needed?

  2. What are endorphins?

  3. Signs of endorphin deficiency.

  4. Is it possible to increase the level of endorphins without medication?

  5. Endorphin addiction.

  6. What are the side effects of melatonin?

  7. What are the benefits of endorphin?

  8. What foods stimulate the production of endorphins?

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Endorphin is a hormone of pain and happiness: what is endorphin and why is it needed?

Endorphin is one of the "hormones of happiness" around which there are many myths. We understand what role it plays in the body and how to improve its level.

Why is the body's reaction to a broken leg, hot chili pepper and your favorite song from a physiological point of view the same? It's all about endorphin, a neurotransmitter hormone that helps us experience difficulties, stay motivated and enjoy life.

Endorphins dull discomfort and give a sense of well-being.

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What are endorphins?

Endorphins are a group of 20 similar peptide hormones that the body uses as a natural painkiller. They are distinguished by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in response to pain or stress to maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of the body. Endorphins dull discomfort and give a sense of well-being. They are also produced when a person laughs, falls in love, has sex or eats delicious food.

In the peripheral nervous system, endorphins bind to opioid receptors, which leads to a decrease in pain. In the central nervous system, they stimulate the production of dopamine, a hormone that motivates and gives a sense of satisfaction.

The term "endorphin" means "endogenous morphine" - that is, a naturally produced analogue of an opioid painkiller. Indeed, exposure to endorphins is very similar to the effect of morphine, and they were discovered during drug exposure studies.

But morphine acts very strongly, and quickly rebuilds the work of the hormonal "remuneration system" to obtain substances that cause pleasant sensations from the external environment - that is, forms dependence. And the effect of endorphins is slower, milder and more natural, although it relieves pain even more effectively.

It has been scientifically proven that the production of endorphin in the brain increases at certain times of the day, from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m.

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Why are endorphins important?

Endorphin is one of the four "hormones of happiness." They also include:

  • Oxytocin - responsible for attachment, empathy and family ties;

  • Serotonin - makes us happier and calmer;

  • Dopamine is a motivation hormone that gives us a sense of anticipation of something pleasant that makes us act.

Endorphins are primarily needed to mobilize human abilities in difficult situations. Pain is a signal that should make you pay attention to injury. But before a person can do it, he should first quickly get away from danger - for this the pain needs to be muffled for a while. Let's say you twisted your leg. Before starting treatment, you need to get to your home or trauma center. Endorphins drown out the sharp pain so that you can evacuate from the scene and stay healthy - but the next day it will intensify. Similarly, they work if the trauma is not physical, but psychological.

The second function of endorphins is to develop a person's desire for pleasant and useful things, such as sex, delicious food or positive communication with other people. In this case, they release additional dopamine. In fact, these two hormones of happiness interact in the "remuneration system" of our psyche, which underlies our routine motivation.

Many neurotransmitters participate in the reward system, but usually the most attention is paid to dopamine, which is the final element in the chain. It is he who, for example, strengthens the effect of any addiction. But many other neurotransmitters, including endorphin, are involved in this system. There are several types of endorphins. Some of them are beta endorphins, responsible for interaction with opioid receptors, and activate the reward system.

Problems with the production and use of endorphins and dopamine can occur in various mental illnesses, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Both of these hormones are responsible for the sense of satisfaction, that is, in fact, tell us that we need to complete the action. A healthy person washes his hands until the brain tells him "Enough" with hormones. But in people who suffer from OCD, this function is impaired - so they can wash their hands much more often than necessary, or do it too intensively and for a long time.

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Signs of endorphin deficiency.

It is impossible to deduce the norm of endorphins and study its level in an individual. According to the neurologist and psychologist, the lack of these hormones may be associated with diseases and symptoms such as:

  • High pain threshold;

  • Depression and anxiety disorders;

  • Dependence on alcohol and drugs;

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;

  • Cycle disorders in women, menopausal syndrome;

  • Impulsive behavior;

  • Sleep problems;

  • Chronic pain syndrome;

  • Chronic headaches;

  • Migraine;

  • Fibromyalgia.

Bad mood can cause dopamine deficiency.

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Is it possible to increase the level of endorphins without medication?

The main triggers for the production of endorphins are stress and pain. But to stimulate their production, it is not necessary to torture yourself. Studies show that the following will help to increase the level of endorphins:

  • Sports. It helps to raise the level of all "hormones of happiness" and improve mood.

  • Spicy food. The brain reacts to burning from capsaicin as a pain - it produces endorphins to drown it out. That's why there is a whole subculture of people with a painful love for chili peppers and spicy sauces. Be careful - such food is dangerous for the stomach.

  • Sex. Sex increases the production of all hormones of happiness - endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.

  • Dark chocolate. Some studies show that dark chocolate raises the level of endorphins and dopamine.

  • Acupuncture. It has been proven that this ancient Chinese practice stimulates the release of endorphins.

  • Music. Numerous experiments have shown that music has an analgesic effect and raises the level of endorphins. Therefore, music therapy today is a popular method of treatment.

A few decades ago, it was believed that the secretion of endorphins was the cause of the "runner's head", a feeling of euphoria that occurs after sports. But, as the neurologist notes, it turned out that they are not responsible for this effect.

Studies have shown that the development of euphoria in runners does not depend on endorphins. Scientists have found that running stimulates the release of endocannabinoids, and came to the conclusion that most likely they are responsible for the "runner's euphoria". Endocannabinoids are endogenous substances that activate cannabinoid receptors. They are located in the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as in the lungs, kidneys and liver, participate in the work of the immune system. Receptors affect appetite, pain, mood and memory. For this reason, synthetic cannabinoids are used as therapeutic agents in the treatment of some diseases.

Sport helps to raise the level of all "hormones of happiness" and improve mood.

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Endorphin addiction.

Scientists have found that a kind of dependence can develop from natural tides of endorphins and adrenaline caused by certain activities. First of all, these are extreme sports, such as mountaineering or bungee jumping (cable jumping) scary attractions - high swing and roller coaster. This phenomenon has been described many times, but has not yet been poorly studied.

Some people begin to sit on such feelings, and if they have no other events in their lives that stimulate the production of endorphins, they may begin to abuse such activities.

Thus, one experiment on eight climbers showed that after being excommunicated from their favorite sport, they showed withdrawal syndrome, very similar to what people who gave up drugs or alcohol are experiencing.

Also, dependence on endorphin can be one of the causes of self-harm - by causing damage to himself, a person stimulates the production of this hormone in response to pain. He gives a temporary sense of satisfaction and emotional liberation, which can also lead him to the formation of addiction. Endorphin addiction is a dangerous phenomenon, especially if a person suffering from it does not learn to control his hobbies.

In addition, the endorphin system can stimulate the development of alcoholism. When a person experiences psychological trauma, his level of this hormone jumps sharply, but then also drops sharply. According to one scientific hypothesis, the premonition of a decrease in the amount of endorphin can force a person to drink alcohol to delay this moment. Over time, the need for alcohol increases, and a person develops dependence.

Endorphin dependence can develop from natural tides of endorphins and adrenaline caused by certain activities.

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What are the benefits of endorphin?

Hormone endorphin in the human body is produced by our brain. The amount and rate of secretion of this hormone vary depending on the human condition and behavior.

Since the brain releases the hormone endorphin more often between 11 and 3, doctors recommend sleeping no later than 11 hours for the proper functioning of the brain and the production of endorphins.

Hormone endorphin reduces pain in the human body and helps a person overcome difficulties and stress and live more comfortably.

To stimulate the secretion of endorphin hormone, you need to do what gives pleasure the most. In this case, the brain secretes more endorphins, helping a person to become happier and enjoy life.

Hormone endorphin acts as a natural analgesic, especially during childbirth. Endorphin hormone comes to the aid of a woman giving birth to help her overcome this painful process. In addition to hormonal endorphins in the human body, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin are secreted.

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What foods stimulate the production of endorphins?

Some products can help to increase the level of hormones in the human body. Eating spices helps to secrete the hormone endorphin. In addition to spices, one of the most important products ensuring the secretion of endorphin hormone is chocolate and banana, which everyone likes to eat. These products help to release more endorphin hormones in people's brains.

Products that ensure the secretion of endorphin hormone: ice cream, strawberries, banana, chocolate, grapes and pasta. If you want to increase the level of endorphin hormone, it will be useful for you to get enough of these products.

Nutrition always affects our condition. There are products that stimulate the production of a "hormone of joy." First of all, it is any product that you love more than others: someone, for example, is crazy about oranges, and someone loves puree. As they say, taste and color. Vegetables are potatoes, beets, cilantro, chili peppers. From fruits - bananas and avocados. From berries, it has a beneficial effect on the production of strawberry endorphin. Chocolate helps many, but do not abuse sweets. A natural antioxidant is tea, which also increases endorphin levels in the blood.

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